Five Minute Friday: Watch

My grandparents had a tradition of gifting the grandkids a special watch as a high school graduation gift. I remember thinking and wondering what that watch would look like for me. I am not a sentimental things person and gifts are not my love language, but I knew that this watch would be special to me as a reminder of the hard work I had put in to my studies. I recall opening that gift and quickly placing that beautiful gold watch on my wrist. It was feminine and had a series of diamonds that circled the face. Thinking about that watch today brings me to reflect on the value I place on gifts and things. Unfortunately, that watch was stolen in one of the robberies we had at our house in the 80s and 90s. My entire jewelry box (which also had my class ring) was stolen. I appreciate the thought that goes in to those items, and the memories attached. However, I personally am satisfied with not being attached to too many tangible items. They are so easily taken from us and can cause so much pain if we placed too much value on the item itself. The most important things in life….aren’t things in my opinion. But rather the actual people and places and moments in time that we are fortunate to have experienced.

Posted on August 5, 2023, in Five Minute Friday, Life Moments. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Sandra K Stein

    Even if you weren’t attached, it’s still sad that it got stolen.
    Not long after I got married I had a box with all my jewelry in it stolen from my apartment. I didn’t really wear it, but many pieces had sentimental value. What hurt most was that it seemed to have been an inside job.
    (Your FMF neighbor #14)

  2. Leisa Williams

    Now that you mention it my father-in-law gave all my children a watch it has a significant thing that he wanted to do. I am not sure though how much value they placed on it as technology replaced a traditional watch in their eyes.

  3. My daughter asked for a watch so many times. I am not sure how she lost them, but she did. I am glad you let the “watch” go – and realize that things of this world are not as important as people and God.

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