Category Archives: Life Moments

Five Minute Friday: Watch

My grandparents had a tradition of gifting the grandkids a special watch as a high school graduation gift. I remember thinking and wondering what that watch would look like for me. I am not a sentimental things person and gifts are not my love language, but I knew that this watch would be special to me as a reminder of the hard work I had put in to my studies. I recall opening that gift and quickly placing that beautiful gold watch on my wrist. It was feminine and had a series of diamonds that circled the face. Thinking about that watch today brings me to reflect on the value I place on gifts and things. Unfortunately, that watch was stolen in one of the robberies we had at our house in the 80s and 90s. My entire jewelry box (which also had my class ring) was stolen. I appreciate the thought that goes in to those items, and the memories attached. However, I personally am satisfied with not being attached to too many tangible items. They are so easily taken from us and can cause so much pain if we placed too much value on the item itself. The most important things in life….aren’t things in my opinion. But rather the actual people and places and moments in time that we are fortunate to have experienced.

Power of Collaborative Conversations

One of my favorite things to do in my classroom is to have students discuss topics. This could be their responding to a reading selection, taking a position on an issue, reflecting on a writing assignment, or reviewing content for an assessment. Most students will entertain the discussion and some excel at it, but there’s always the few who don’t embrace it. They either share something brief and shallow, or they find a way to not participate. I always take opportunities to encourage them to have these collaborative experiences and to listen and share. I try to convince them that there is power in collaboration. There is growth that can occur in one’s thinking when embracing discussion, listening to other points of view and working to develop your own.

So I was encouraged in the last view days through a couple of unexpected encounters with people I hold dear. People who spark thinking and reflection.

  • walking with dad – “what are you reading or studying that has you thinking lately?” Honestly, I couldn’t say a thing. I’m a teacher and supporter of being a lifelong learner, but I have let some lazy habits replace valuable ones. While our conversation was great, I was convicted. I haven’t been digging into Scripture or reading any books. So I changed that the moment I got home. This week, I’m back at it…ready to explore and discover wisdom and knowledge.
  • talking with Voxer group about Girl, Wash Your Face- this has included some personal as well as some virtual communication with friends about a book that has influenced over a million readers. This is another great part of collaborative conversations. It gets you asking questions and researching and more reflecting – to see if your values and convictions and beliefs are rightly aligned to the Word or Truth.
  • The Real Life Podcast “The Dark Side of our Life-hacking and productivity culture”
    • Chase Christ, not Culture
    • When it’s ok to be mediocre in pursuits that aren’t about gospel life

Santa Barbara

NOTE: I came across this post from 2015 in my Drafts – posting it now for my own reminder of how this running thing even started.  Who would have thought that that one time I was a PE teacher would have had such a valuable change in my physical activity and goal setting.  

Motivation – When I began teaching PE 7 or 8 years ago, I started thinking about running the mile with my students.  I hadn’t run a timed/graded mile since junior high/high school and honestly, I think I failed the mile test most of the times I attempted it.  So, I remember working to reach a simple mile so that I could show my students that I was willing to work towards a goal just as I was asking them to do.  My interest was sparked again 3-4 years ago when I needed something new in my activity routine.  I definitely was motivated by goal setting as well as health.  I ran some 5Ks, but a friend of mine who turns 50 this year and has done several halfs persuaded me to do the SB 1/2 with her.  So, I started training in March

Training – For the most part, I looked up things online, had conversations with friends who run, and downloaded a couple of apps.  I have used Endomondo for most of my runs over the past years – it simply tracks distance and rate and speaks prompts at every mile, letting you know what your pace was for that mile as well as total time thus far.  I like this APP because it keeps a running history I can look back at. I can also add notes to each run to record any challenges I faced or thoughts on how I felt during the run.  I also found GIPIS.  This app allows you to enter your last run stats, what race you are preparing for, and then provides a plan for each week leading up to the race.  This includes some interval training, tempo runs, long runs, etc.  It also uses GPS to tell you when to speed up or slow down in order to keep the pace it has planned.  This works ok, but I generally just use the suggested pacing if I am limited to using the treadmill.  For me, interval pacing is easier to track on the treadmill, but I do what I can to NOT run on the treadmill….too boring most of the time.  Intervals help challenge your run and hopefully increase your time.  I know there are plenty of other training plans and apps out there, but these are what have worked for me so far, so I think I will keep them around.

Visited and ran part of the race site – April – Spring Break – try it out

Challenges – Running is definitely as much a mental game as much as a physical one.  Each long run was challenging the last mile or two, whether I was running 5 miles the first time or 12 miles. They were tough both mentally and physically.  Also, weather is challenging.  Now, for the most part Southern California weather is pleasant, but wind at the beach deterred me a few times from a strong run.  Injuries are another challenge.  I definitely did too much 6-7 weeks before the race in SB.  I struggled with a foot injury, strained calf, and knee troubles.  The best thing I could do when these arose was to stop and just give my body rest.  I have learned mostly to listen.  I remember waiting 2 weeks to get back to running and when I started, I knew right away that I needed to stop.  So I did.  It was completely frustrating because I felt that I had waited long enough.  Ultimately, it was the best choice.

Race day – I was mostly afraid that I would eat the wrong thing or not get enough sleep or just be “off” on race day.  So, I was definitely anxious about the whole new experience.

Pros and Cons

  • The course is not nearby, so it limits your knowledge of what is ahead.
  • Many hills – although what I thought was going to be the most challenging part (starting immediately uphill) ended up being one of the easiest parts
  • Running with a friend
  • Few participants – allowed for just enough adrenaline, but not overkill.  Also allowed for easy bib pick up the night before, and could have easily been done the morning of
  • Perfect weather – 66 degrees most of the time

Propelled by THIRTEEN POINT ONE gigawatts….uh, I mean miles

It’s been a little over a month since I ran the Santa Barbara Half Marathon.  I have shared many of my thoughts and pics through social media and conversations, so this post is mostly serving as a chronicle of reminders for myself as well as an update to those who may read that do not follow me or may live too far away to share a face to face conversation. I am going to work my way backwards over the next few posts, starting with what I just decided to follow through with TODAY.

I officially registered for 2 half marathons, on the way to hopefully completing the Beach Cities Challenge by next May.  This means I embark on training for a race in Long Beach on October 9th and then again for the Surf City Half in February.  I began my regular pattern this week and will begin to build up to do some long runs over the next 12 weeks.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 8.17.03 PM

In the next few posts, I will share my Santa Barbara race day experience (which really propelled me and gave me this “itch” to keep running), training, challenges, motivation for running, and the pros and cons of the Santa Barbara half.  Again, this is mostly just records for myself so that I can review what worked and didn’t work.  But I hope you will choose to follow along on my adventure.

You can also always follow me on Instagram @historyjenn #jenngoesrunning or find me on Facebook




4 days till showtime…my Thoughts as I look to my first half-marathon


So, last November I ran my second 5k at the Dana Point Turkey Trot. I had an enjoyable time..this was the first big official race I had participated in. I have only been running for the past 2-3 years and haven’t really gotten faster. I was just starting to enjoy the 30-40 minute runs as a way to escape into a different mental world. I never have seen myself as a runner and never really intended to do any longer races. BUT in February I committed to join a friend in a half marathon. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking, but I have a few friends that run and I just imagined sharing some of their same experiences

It’s now 4 days before the race and I have to admit that I am “anxiously eager.”  I have received much encouragement, read many blog posts about what to do and not do at this point in training. I have decided that I will take it all in, not try anything much different in these next few days, get rest (which I am unsuccessfully doing at this moment), eat well, get hydrated, and pack my bags. Heading to Santa Barbara.

While I have a time in mind that I would like to make, I realize from my long 9-12 mile runs the past 6 weeks that each run has its own challenges, physical and /or mental. I am hoping the adrenaline will kick in and being around other runners will keep me on track.  I will post again on the other side of things and share my thoughts.

Wish me me luck or share a prayer or just send me good vibes. 😊😃😂😩😎😖 (the many emotions I am sure to feel).

Blessed with some extra time

On my way to Louisville, Kentucky to grade AP essays for the next 7 days. (This deseserves a post all on its own).  Anyhow, I arrived very early not knowing if I would be competing with travelers leaving from the long weekend. Got through the check in process in less than 15 minutes. Fortunately, I have a great little computer at my fingertips. I missed my pastor’s message this weekend and will miss my group Bible study due to this trip, but thank God for podcasts and Bible apps that allow us to connect with God and fellowship. So, I sit down to listen to a message on the book of Philemon.  Easy to read in less than 15 minutes, Philemon may be an easy book to overlook. However, I am eager to hear the work of the Spirit as he speaks through my pastor. Always an amazing time in the word with careful exposition, historical context (which of course I appreciate as a history teacher), and fantastic application challenges. Thank you, Lord for the extra free quiet time in the airport.

Five Minute Friday: Decide

Connecting with the writers over at Five-Minute-Friday (or Thursday as may be the case).  Five minutes of uninterrupted, unedited thoughts…sometimes just a series of unconnected words.. on a selected word.  This week – DECIDE

Set a timer for five minutes, take a deep breath, and let’s …



Life is made of decisions.  Sometimes, it’s just what is for breakfast…but other times, there are more pressing issues at stake.  A game time decision, a last minute choice, a decision that takes pondering and lists of pros and cons

Some of the most important decisions… and even many of the unimportant ones…have been made through deep intense prayer and meditation with my Heavenly Father.  Those sleepless nights when you are wondering if you should leave a job, how you can best help a friend or family member, how to renew a broken relationship, or how to best have that tough discussion with a student or parent.

I look at it this way…I don’t want to decide something without relying on the infinite knowledge and wisdom of the ONE who knows best for me.  I don’t want to look back in a year from now, see where I am, and wonder if it’s where HE wants me to be.  I want to be there because I have been diligent in taking my cares and my burdens and placing them at HIS feet.  Let HIM decide….that outcome is always the one that will be the most glorifying for HIS work and most beneficial for my sanity, well-being, and moment-by-moment living.



To start off the new semester at school, I decided to start a BE wall. It’s a place where I post a new word each day and encourage students to BE something. I started with the word STRONG. Incorporating Scripture with each of the words, I addressed the message of Paul in Ephesians 6:10. “BE STRONG in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Another word from this week was HAPPY. (Of course, some students looked at me a little strange when I broke out singing “Don’t worry….Be Happy”, but those looks are a regular part of my day.  Let’s face it…I am little quirky in the classroom)  I want students to see a Biblical approach to happiness, however. So, we focused on contentment and doing things “without grumbling or complaining” (Philippians 4:11 and 2:14). Isn’t amazing how God uses parts of our weeks and days that we least expect. It turns out that the BE wall is for ME too, not just for my students.  This week I was challenged with both of these words as some circumstances arose at work. Immediately, I went to these verses, thinking, “If I want my students to respond in these ways, I need to as well.” (BTW…side note…I just love the letters of Paul.) Definitely was blessed to have these golden nuggets of Scripture memorized since the time I was a child.

I actually told the story about memorizing and learning Philippians 2:14 “Do all things without murmuring or disputing.” These are the King James words because all the verses I know from growing up are in the king’s English. Being transparent, I shared with my students that this has always been one of those sins that I just struggle with. I know this because my dad taught me this verse at an early age….I must have really been a complainer and arguer even when I was 3 because this verse came up often.

So….what things do you think deserve to go up on the BE wall? What practical piece of Scripture can you apply to help you accomplish that “BE” task today and in the week ahead?

Are you willing to save a date in 2016 for me?

Our church is going to be studying the book of Philippians in the coming weeks, so today, Joel and I looked at the first chapter and just spent time discussing observations and ways to apply the content.

We both stopped on chapter 1, verse 27

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear that you are standing firm, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel

Is my conduct worthy of the gospel?

  • honesty in dealing with others
  • genuine concern for students, co-workers, neighbors, family
  • my interactions with friends

How am I living out gospel truth, compassion, conviction, so that I can take opportunity to share what God has done to change and redeem my life?

I am recently full of questions about my faith more than any other time in my life.  These questions are driving me to desire to KNOW God more and more.  To EXPLORE Scripture, ASK questions, and APPROACH God with a humble mind, soul, and spirit.  To THINK about God.

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us – AW Tozer

I want my conversations of 2016 to revolve around the quest for KNOWING God.

Can we make a date to share our thoughts and questions…to study together….to grow closer to each other by growing closer to God?

Spoiler Alert – A look into my gift giving for this holiday season

I know….Christmas can’t be all about me, and I am working to make it something different, but I have a few things to really admit about my gift giving habits.


Note: There is NOT one single gift wrapped and under this tree yet…3 more days to catch up

  1.  I REALLY do NOT have a problem wearing a load of patience when I go out shopping for gifts.  It’s my mantra…I will drive slowly, give other people their space, will plan on parking a mile from the store, will smile at those as I pass by, and will say thank you (by name) to all the cashiers, old and new,  who don’t know all the ins and outs of the registers they are working.
  2. I know that others really enjoy the shopping and the giving and the looks on others’ faces when they see them open their gifts….they look forward with anticipation and pleasure
  3. I fully appreciate that my husband is generally a master shopper and giver…can take less than 2 days and just gets it done…and for the most part does a PERFECT job
  4. I enjoy the decorations I see and the music I hear when I am out looking for gifts BUT ……
  5. Giving gifts raises my anxiety levels….and I have a family history of heart problems, so this can’t be a good thing, right???
  6. Despite paying attention to people and spending quality time in conversation throughout the year, I really do not chose well….this has been a real embarrassment throughout the years…..just ask my husband and my father-in-law about robes and iced tea makers.  Great intentions gone VERY BAD
  7. I can walk around a store 5-6 times, have a cart or armload of products after 30-40 minutes and then spend 5 minutes to quickly put them all back, leaving the store with nothing to show (except for perhaps something I found for myself, I have to admit…please don’t shake your head in shame)

I honestly contemplated this today as I passed by a couple of stores and simple drove on, not even wanting to go in because of the crowds driving around the parking lot.  Why do I have such issues?  It makes my holiday maddening and almost unenjoyable.

I reflected on the giving of gifts and how they are ultimately a reminder of the gift God gave to us through His perfect Son.  How difficult it must have been to offer up His only Son, for us…people who are greatly undeserving. (and I think my job is hard)

I work to justify my lack of interest in the gift giving….my subconscious tells me my efforts will fail so why am I trying.  I see how so many people are either so overly generous, how can I compete; or they give a small token that ends up so sentimental and special and fits the received party perfectly. I don’t feel I have that talent.

So, all this to say a brief warning to you out there who may receive something from me…or did not because I didn’t dare to try…I do think of you often.  I work to send smiles….I look for words to encourage you….I deliver a message with written symbols instead of a glossy bow that is tied up intricately…I will sit across from you at lunch or dinner or coffee and do my best to listen to all that is going on with your life…..I know it’s not the same, but it’s MY way of GIVING

Oh, and don’t even get me started with the wrapping……

What are your gift giving habits and tips?