
Twenty-four years ago, I accepted Christ as my Savior at summer camp. I lived a life of a normal child in a Christian family, the daughter of a pastor. I never thought about salvation – always thought that there must have been a time somewhere along the way where I heard the gospel and accepted it. The truth is, I hadn’t ever made a personal profession until that summer day in 1991. Since then, I have found peace, joy, comfort, struggle, victory, and faith in an ever present, loving heavenly Father. I am honored to be called a Christian. I want to always live up to the name. This blog is a place where I can reflect on the things I have read, I can set up reminders of God’s goodness, and I can remain accountable. Hopefully if you are visiting, you can be reminded of the same.

  1. I am very proud of you, you are an good example of a young christian wife and mother.

  2. Colleen Courbron


    Every day, the Lord reminds me of my friends and their love for me – and it makes me love them even more – (Who knew that was even possible??) I love that you’ve started this blog. I can’t wait to get an e-mail every time it’s updated – it’ll be ALMOST like being back home. Nothing will ever replace talking to my friends and spending time with them face to face, but this will help ease the homesickness. I’m so blessed that we have been friends since the beginning of time (or so). I’ve been going through boxes and finding cards and letters from my life-long friends. They bring a smile to my face – just like every thought of you! Love you (and your family, even Joel, I guess!) and miss you all lots too!!!

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